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The time we spend with children at a young age impacts the rest of their lives because the things that are instilled as a child won't be forgotten when they are older. Kids ministry allows us to pour these core values into children while they are still growing so that when they grow older they will know these values.



We often call children the next generation, but kids ministry can equip children to see the calling on their life and make a difference now.

Our Passionate Teachers

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Aunty Zelia

My love for children ministry started at a very young age, thanks to the loving and spirit filled teacher I had at that time. At the age of 24, I rededicated my life to the Lord, which rekindled my desire to serve in children ministry


What I love about Children ministry, is watching them grow in the ways of the Lord. As a teacher planting seeds in their lives is important. One day those seeds will blossom into powerful men and women of God.  I believe by showing love and teaching children the word of God, we can change the world.  

Aunty Doreen


My teaching journey began when I was a teenager teaching a preschool class at a Methodist church. As years went on, I gave my life to the Lord, and started to fellowship in a Baptist Church. 


When I started attending Victory Tabernacle, I always got involved in assisting in the children ministry, and then became a helper. The Lord was not done with me yet. He placed a gifting in my heart, which is to teach the word of God to younger ones. I then became a teacher. Each child deserves to be Loved, as they are special in the eyes of the Almighty.  


Uncle Mark 



Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from... Proverbs 22:6

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